Saturday, September 19, 2009

Virtue Ministries, Inc.

VMI Publishers is a full-service publisher whose founders are former publishers of Virtue and Christian Parenting Today magazines. They have also written many books published by Tyndale House, Thomas Nelson, Harvest House, Crossway, Baker Books, and others.

VMI is geared toward new authors and will publish about 30 books each year. They are looking for excellent content and a 'crisp, clear writing style' and will give you feedback on whether or not your book has what it takes to be a success.

They do not make any exceptions to their partnership program so read Partnership page and decide if you feel that partnership is right for you.

Submit a proposal and two chapters via e-mail of your manuscript for consideration to

VMI Publishers
26306 Metolius Meadows Dr.
Camp Sherman, OR 97730

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